All human beings have a sense of personal space around them and when this is violated they are much more likely to become aggressive. Conversely, if someone invades your space, it is a good indication that they are becoming aggressive and you need to back off.
Defusing Techniques
• Diverting: refocus attention on a different subject or on note taking
• Distracting: “What was that?” “That’s the police” etc. Needs to be convincing
• Appearing calm and efficient
• Controlling your own emotions
• Showing non-aggressive behaviour
• Actively listening, paraphrasing and empathizing
• Trying to identify what the frustrated wish is and solving it if you can
• Pointing out possible problems for them
• Giving them information
• Asking them to stop
• Perhaps sitting down
• Maybe consider humour, but be careful, not against the person. Perhaps a warm smile and
cajoling words might help, particularly if you know the person
• If all else fails, get out, walk quickly or run if you have to!