Many years ago, a newlywed young man was sitting on a couch on a hot, humid day, sipping frozen juice during a…
January 2017
The leadership by Alfred Nishanth sdb The wise people: “Modern man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, and if he…
For the month of August, we’re featuring your perspectives on Authenticity and Recognition! Click to Learn More. Sam Walton’s Approach to Giving…
One of the best messages I have read in recent times : Time Will Come ! New York is 3 hours ahead…
One day an aeroplane cleaner was cleaning the pilots’ cockpit when he saw a book entitled “How to fly an aeroplane for…
Absolutely fantastic read: *The Abilene Paradox* On my birthday a couple of years back, I wanted to take my family out for…
funny full forms😜 to enjoy school life C = Come L = Late A = And S = Sleep S = Silently…
The following are 22 simple but powerful concepts you don’t usually hear at a train the trainer course that can really help…
MOST INTERESTING UNKNOWN FACTS YOU SHOULD KNOW: 1.🌱Hot water will turn into ice faster than cold water. 2.🌴The Mona Lisa has no…
POOR JAYALALITHA And poor Jayalalitha departed. She could not take anything with her. The imperious Jayalalitha who ruled over Tamilnadu became just…